Thursday, December 3, 2009



Indeed life is full of surprises! That is why I lurve surprises! *winks*

I dont really bother what job i get, who I will end up with...I really really really didnt mind at all. But it doesnt mean that I dont have a goal or vision in life.... It is just that I am not a choosy type. Therefore, as long as the job is related to my interest and passion, I will go for it!

And you know what....

This morning, I RECEIVED a phonecall for an intervieW!!!!!


It is one of my DREAM JOBS. I didnt really expect to get the feedback this fast. I send my resume thru email last friday. And....TADAAAA....a phonecall! weeee~

However, I am a bit scared for this interview. I really really really CAN feel butterflies flying around in my tummy. Huhuhu.

The reason of why I DISLIKES interview:

1. I have to appear FORMAL (hate iT! Im not a formal person, I hate formal events etc)

2. They like to ask SILLY questions - do you notice that I put it SILLY, becoz there is no such things as stupid question.

3. I feel like being INTERROGATEd.

4. I have to appear at my BEST.

5. People will SOMEHOW have some EXPECTATIONS on you - be it many or little.

Well, i know that some of the reasons are irrelevant, but never mind.

Whatever it is, I just hope that I manage to overcome all those reasons. Sometimes, you DO have to face things that you did not want. *sigh*

Pray for me.


Recently, I have been keeping my status as a PART TIME BABYSITTER.

Yeah, you heard me right.

That is what I have been doing for these past few days.

My sister is here in Singapore with her two kiddos. And well, I learnt a LOT. *phew*

I remembered there is this one time, when I was about to enter the bathroom, then her 2nd son (Aziz) said:

"Khalah, baca doa..." (which means: Aunty, recite the supplication..)

And immediately I recited it aloud. The same goes when I came out from the bathroom. (And he actually WAITED for me to come out!!! hahaha)

Then, I found that is is FUN to see kids fight. Why is that so?

Well, I discovered that kids can EASILY get back together again. They WON'T held any grudges against each other. They will fight, then will not talk, and then, within 5-10 minutes after that, you will realize that they will play together again.

Wonderful, rite? *Subhanallah*

If kids could act like that, why can't we as Adults, be better than them? Something to ponder about.


A little confession: I'm kinda of MISSING remembering someone right now.

Yeah. I confessed that it is HARD to let go of that someone. All the memories that I had With that someone are soooo hard to let go. tWo years + seven months. That someone really did left something in my life.

I'm trying my best here. Very Hard.

Ok, enough talking. Wanna sleep.


Now playing: d'yat - The same damn story
via FoxyTunes


Ayoosha said...

About the job:

I don't like formal attire too!

Oh yeah most of the interviewers and their questions are silly!

About you:

Khalah, enti now baby sitter huh? no wonder u are quiet lately ^_^

So cute they are.. pinch their cheeks for me. Tell them from Khalah Aisya. Hahah.

Dyah said...

ya Khalah Aisya...

yup, been bz laaa...sorry coz senyap je...

I will get back to u once I am on my track again k ;)