Sunday, September 23, 2012

Almost a Wrap...

Most of the Big events for school had been done, and left just one more event, which is the YEC (Year End Concert).

And for this event, I am in charge for the emcee. I will do my best & hope that everyone will be entertained.

Let me share with you one secret: I am good in entertaining people. But not the super duper good. Just a normal one.
Well, actually I do not know about this talent. It happened two years back, when I was at the same place, doing emcee. During that time, it was my first experience.

The show went well, Alhamdulillah. And during the PTC (Parents Teachers Conference), most of the parents gave a good feedback. Then one of the parents even offered me to become a DJ! They said that I am very entertaining and I should go do something else, instead of teaching. HAhaha ^^

I found it a little bit funny cause I did not realize it. Betol la apa orang cakap: belom cuba, belom tahu. Bila dah cuba, baru tahu. Heeeeeeeeeee~

Yes, I admit that I really like entertainment. I listens to musics, watch latest movies, and play games. However there is also a limit to it. Cause as a Muslim, I know my priorities. I like to entertain people and make them smile. And during the first experience as an emcee, all I think about is making people smile and laugh. Maybe I can be a clown too! hahaha

Ok, so these are some updates that I would like to share it with you.

I am looking forward for the upcoming small event: go to the LEGOLAND @ Johore Bahru. Weeeeeeee~

Counting days....InsyaAllah...

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