Before go to my class, I pass by HS. Then, there he was, sitting by himself with his lappy. At first, I thought I did not want to
"Hye W..."
"Eh Fadiah...ko nak gi mana?"
"Aku ada class jap lagi..."
"Owh ok..."
"Ko sorang je?"
"A'ah la..."
"K la, nak gi class..."
Later, I received sms from him during class.
W: Ko nampak lain ar skrg. Dah makin lawa.
I: Pe sey. eh, ko lama tak kat HS? Ingat nak lepak ar pas class.
W: Boleh ar. Aku pun dah lama tak lepak dgn ko.
I: K, c u after class.
After class, I went to HS. There he was again. I sat in front of him.
"Fadiah, ko slalu buka katne?"
"Kat bilik ar...nape?"
"Jom la buka kat HS ptg ni. Dah lama tak buka dgn ko..."
"Alahh...malas ar., tapi boleh la. Petang nanti confirm kan lagi k..."
He confirmed with me. I also received messages from my adek2, asking me to join them for iftar. And I said YES.
And later that evening, we met up around 645. The moment I reached HS, it was already fully booked by which-ever-society it is...He was not there yet. I reached for my phone, thought of
Finally, we settled at Basbussa (above HS)and altogether, there were 13 of us. All of them were juniors, except for me & W. hehe.. We talked and talked. W make a lot of jokes, kept me smile all the way.
There is one time which he told me that "Fadiah, aku sengaja ajak ko buka arini supaya bila last day ko iftar kat UIA, ko dgn aku..."
OK...wait. Stop there.
I had a lot of fun that evening. My adek2 was fun. They make me smile, make me laugh. As for W, he was indeed nice. I was like questioning and
What a Memory!
so sweet...W, bleh berkenalan? :) *giggles
So sweeeeeeet ^_^
DiL: nak kenal dgn W ke?
Korang, W sweet ke? Mcm masam2 pahit je...huhu..
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