Sunday, October 19, 2014


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

This is just a short post which to inform that this blog will be closed for a while.

Cause right now, I am super-duper busy with assignments and the preparation for my wedding day. 

May Allah bless all of you.

Take care. 


Saturday, August 30, 2014


May Peace be upon all of you....

Have you ever gave up on your love life, then suddenly it appear from nowhere?

Have you ever feel  happy with your single life, then suddenly someone came and decided to invite you into his life?

So yes...I felt all these when he came into my life.

One word that would described towards him: GRATEFUL.

Left only few more days to his birthday, and I can't wait to make him happy. Heeeee~

So this post is specially dedicated for him, though I know that he may not know about this.

I wish you nothing but the BEST and may Allah bless you and make ease all of our affairs. InsyaAllah.

Monday, August 25, 2014


May peace be upon all of you...

It is called 'Past' for you to pass it on. 

Not to think about it & just let it be. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Inspiration

May Peace be upon all of you...

Last week, I was asked to do a task for my computing class. The task is to collect biographic information about the person of my interest.

I recalled that I did this project during my secondary school days. And I choose 'Mother Teresa' as the person of my interest. I did a DIY scrapbook about her. I admired her courage and patience to take steps which is risky and challenging. 

However, I decided not to take the same figure again. Therefore, I chose him. If you want to know more, just watch the video below :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful...

May Peace be upon all of you...

As you can see that I have been experimenting with changing the layout of my blogskin. You can do it to, you know... 

These are the steps:

First: you go to the 'Template' and 'Revert to classic setting'. 

Second: find the desired blogskin online. You can try to google them. My favourite is

Third: Select any of the skins, then find the 'Actions' column and select the 'Blogger Main' for the HTML code. SAVE the code.

Fourth: COPY the entire code. Go to your template settings & PASTE the code in the 'Edit Template HTML' box. 

Fifth: Save it and tadaaaaaa...your blog will never look the same again. 

Oh btw, you can always edit the appearance using the HTML way. but I am still learning it. I will share with you once I understand it. 

Till then, Happy Experimenting ! :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ramadhan and me ( Part 1 )

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful...

This post will going to be like a mantra for myself to remember...

I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast. I shall not buy many foods to break my fast.

Ok, there you go. 

Till we meet again. 

Take care. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014



Cinta itu suci. Cinta itu buta. Cinta itu murni.

Macam-macam perkara yang kita dengar tentang cinta. 

Tapi apa yang saya tahu,

Cinta itu berbeza bagi mereka yang merasai cinta itu sendiri.

Dan segala apa pon yang berlaku, 

serahkan cinta itu kepada Yang Pencipta Cinta. 

Kerana hanya DIA yang berkuasa ke atas segala-galanya.

"Wahai Pencipta Cinta, terima kasih di atas rasa ini. Kami serahkan padaMu rasa cinta ini supaya ianya sentiasa mekar dan berbunga dengan siraman iman dan taqwa."

Marilah semaikan rasa cinta yang suci.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

My favorite story ^^

Beautiful Patience : Reflecting upon the patience of Yoosuf ( ‘alaihis salaam )
by AbdurRahman.Org

Ibn Al-Qayyim said: I heard Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allaah render his soul pure) say:

The patience of Yusuf ( ‘alaihis salaam ) against compliance to the wife of Al-‘Azeez in her matter was more complete than his patience over his being thrown into the well by his brothers and his being sold off as well as their separating him from his father. For these affairs passed him whilst he had no choice in them, he was not secure from them; the servant is in no position in them except to have patience. As for his patience from committing sin; then that was practicing a patience of choice and waging a war upon the Nafs (inner-self/soul).

In particular with the presence of the reasons that would add strength to that: for she had allegations which were appropriate – since he was a youth, and so the prime of youth to that is strong, and he was single – he had nothing that could substitute that and so repel his desire, and he was a stranger – and a stranger does not feel shy in the land in which he is a stranger in the same way that he would feel shy being amongst his own companions and those that know him as well as his family. He was likewise under ownership – and so for the one who is owned his obstruction is not like the obstruction of the one who is free, and the woman was beautiful – and possessing high lineage as well as her being in authority over him, and so any watcher is absent, and she is calling him to herself – and covetous upon that with extreme desire, and with that she promises him if he does not conform to that with: imprisonment and debasement.

Yet with all these pretensions he was patient out of choice and preference with that which is with Allaah, and where is that in comparison to his patience in the well in which he had no security from?

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah)
Jaami’ al-aadaab vol 1 p.368
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq