Friday, October 26, 2012


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Sparkle Like A Diamond

It has been such a long time I did not updated this blog. It is not that I have been busy. Honestly, I am just to lazy to update. My writing skill are kinda falling down from the 20th to the 5th floor. Well, metaphorically speaking la kan.... hehehe

I will not speak about sacrifice. It is like a common thing to talk about. Everytime in Dzulhijjah, people will talk about Syawal, people will talk about coming back to Fitrah... and bla bla bla....

But this time around, I wanna talk about being A DIAMOND. Like literally ^^

Every one of us is created to bring and to do something. It is either to the big community group, or just with in a  small group like your family, your friends etc.

If you have not discover your true self yet, just take your time and be patient. Cause just like a DIAMOND, you will have to be discovered, polished and formed to become a diamond.

Here are a few discoveries which I found out about diamonds:

1. It is discovered from the chunks of mantle, from the VOLCANO eruptions.

2. They are created from deep below the earth's crust in the LOWER MANTLE, about 120 KM below the surface.

3. In diamond, every carbon atom attaches itself to 4 other atoms, creating a continuous network of atoms, with no electrons alone. (how CooL is that?)

Therefore, never EVER  feel that yourself is useless. Just like the DIAMONDS, they are nothing, then being turned into something which some of us cannot afford it. heeeee~

You are worth of everything. You cannot be trade with anything. And do not make yourself look cheap and easy (you know what I mean...)

Everyone have their own self dignity. Treasure it & don't ever lose it.

Keep sparkle and shine always ^^

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