Monday, February 9, 2009

Day after day

In life, sometimes there is a necessary for you to be hoping for something...but too hopeful for something is not good...

In Islam, we are taught that you must not put your hope unless on ALLAH S.W.T. Therefore, putting hopes on others besides than ALLAH, will have either a positive or negative impact....

But hopes are essential things in life. As human, we are indeed a hopeful creature. We hope for everything in our lives, although sometimes we denied or did not really realized it....

As for me, sometimes I DO hope for people to understand me, to treat me right etc. However, I realized that it something that I should not do. Probably I should hope for the opposite (people hate or being rude to me) or simply putting no hopes at all.

And indeed, this life is full of difficulties and that what makes it wonderful =)

Cheers everyone!

Lets hope for more!

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