Sunday, February 19, 2012


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

There is a confession that I have to make. 

I have this addiction. Which I could not cure. (Or maybe I dont have to cure it. Hehehe)

I am addicted to D.I.Y. 

Yes, you heard it right. 

Most of the DIY things that I am addicted to are based on the simple and easy to make. And also it will not required a lot of things. Plus, it is cheap. I am interested ONLY to foods, decors and gifts. Other than that, such as furniture or clothes, are too difficult for me. It required talent, and I am in the process of learning it. 
I spent most of my time, surfing all those DIY websites. These are some of my favorites: 

However, when it came to the part of doing it, sadly I still do not have much time to do it. Maybe one day, InsyaAllah, if I get to become a homemaker, I will FULLY invested in the DIY thingy.  ^^

And as always, I will always remember this quote whenever I want to buy something:

"Why would you buy things when you can made them?" 

Happy surfing!

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