Monday, November 23, 2009



This post is dedicated specially for someone special.

She is sweet, nice and easily to be loved.

She got this small and attractive eyes, sweet smile and cute laugh.

She loves to play games, shopping and chilling is the 'in' thing for her. She always hear my ramblings, whines etc. She never care about what people wanna say about her. She loves to talk and share her stories with me.

And most of all, she is being herself. and that what makes me LoVe her more.

And her name is:


Thanks for the smile

Thanks for the friendship

Thanks for everything


Happy Happier Happiest Birthday!


Ayoosha said...

Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah

My name is siti aisyah also *winks*

If you dedicated to me thank you very very very very very much :D

Don't know what to is very high compliment to me.

You are the very best. Losing you is such a waste.

Small eyes yes attractive don't think so la :P MashkoOooora!

Love you love you. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Dyah said...

of course you la...who else eh?

Hehe...ti, same goes to you ;)

Ayoosha said...

hehe tahu.. action je.. kikiki.

Thank you we'll meet up soon..

fakhriyatuddini said...

she's so sweet n beautiful.(= , i agreed wif her, losing you such a waste *wink*

Dyah said...

i nak nanges...huhu

korang ni buat i terharu je

love u both! *muacks*