Monday, June 7, 2010



Everyone need somebody to love, understand and care for them. The same goes with me.

I need that person. But somehow, I must be patient. bcoz it is not easy to find the right one. NO, not the right one. just the one who completed you as who you are. Yes....He is the one whom I am looking for.

I know that I have made some few wrong decisions. but this time around, I am not going to make the same mistakes again. I want to make my choices and go on with that.

W still lingering in my life, bcoz I allowed him to do so. I know about my feelings towards him and he also express his feeling but not exactly in a way that I would exactly understand...but whatever that he is trying to express, I will ensure that it is not love. It maybe just a mere feeling or lust. I do not know. I know that I cannot be fickle-minded anymore. Therefore, if he is the one, just leave it to Allah coz I have already tried my best.

I just hope that Allah will show me the way. InsyaAllah.

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