Saturday, September 5, 2009

Counting Days...

Me + Red Spec = That is SO NOT me

Right now, I'm counting days till the day for me to go back HOME. Weeeee~ And starting from today, just left 5 more days to go.....!

Can't wait....can't wait! HEheHe...

Yesterday, me had a GREAT day out with my adek2. We went to watch The Final Destination. The movie was ok-ok laaa...the ending can be predicted. The same ending as the previous final destinations' movie...The difference is only the part of how each character died. And to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed watching how they died. Crazy huh? HAHAHA...

Then, we do some window-shopping while waiting time to break our fast. After we have done enough walking, we went to Pizza Hut for our iftar. The meal was delicious especially the Masalla Pizza. I can still feel the taste right now (WOooOOI...puasa ar..!) hehehe

I really had fun and enjoyed the time with my juniors. They are fun to be with and really know how to entertain me. I just could forget all my problems when I am with them. Thanks ALLAH for letting me to get to know them...

Ok, wanna update a bit about my status. People kept asking me whether I am single or attached. And when I answered that I am single, they don't believe me. Hmmm...

And to tell you the truth, I really Enjoyed my SINGLE life, but lately, Im kinda getting sick of it. The urge of wanting to have someone special is always appear, but somehow, I manage to control it. Alhamdulillah.

Because, I DO believe that my other will appear soon...And I'm not going to stop Believing...

Oh ya...and about W,
he is HISTORY.

Starting from the moment I gave him that letter, things changed. He stop texting more Goodnight or Good morning more asking "Ko watpe, Fadiah?"...and I think, it is because of me. Cause there is one time where I asked him not to sms me, unless it is important. Well, I deserved that.

But during that time, I was pissed off with the finance...! He should've understand...hmmm...

But he is human, after all. Have feelings. And I always forget that.
So all are coming back to me.

I cannot blame him for my mistake. And I have to LET him GO. So, right now, I am struggling really hard to not to think about him. And it is NOT easy. REALLY.

I have to try.

It is really hard when you lose someone who is close to you. Therefore, appreciate and treasure them. That goes especially to ME.


dill said...

Hi Dyah!

Well, things are not easy to face these days. As a friend, what i can say is, Sabar banyak-banyak :) Insyaallah, good things will happen to you. Take care, ya

Dyah said...

thank you, Dill...

I really have to be strong...

kadang2 diri ni tak kuat...

Ayoosha said...

Haha just want to say that your SPEC is so nice ^_^ hehe