Ok ni testing jerrr...
First time update blog melalui iPhone & Fadiah merasakan yg misi ini berjaya! Weeee~
Oleh kerana dah berjaya, mari kita update sedikit ttg perkembangan diri ini yang sentiasa berkembang... Hehe
Sekarang ni, Fadiah sedang dalam keadaan yg kerja - kerja & kerja... My career is my life. Ada org tanya, Tanak kawen ke? fadiah kata "Mestilah Naaaak... Benda tu semua along the way...yang penting skrg ialah upgrade diri fadiah. Nak belajar mcm2 & kawan ramai2... "
& lagi satu kan, Fadiah tak suke BRAPE nak bebual pasal orang.
So Kalau awak2 yg diluar sana, nak bebual dgn Fadiah, please avoid talking or gossiping about others. Fadiah tahu benda ni susah sbb fadiah pun penah buat.
Tapi skrg ni, nak Cuba kurangkan sedikit Demi sedikit. Nnt lama2 jd bukit.
Jadi, sama2 lah kita meningkatkan diri utk menjadi insan yang lebih mulia. Ameen. InsyaAllah :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Ingat ingat ye...
Kehidupan adalah sesuatu yang diluar jangkaan. Kadang2 kita dah plan baik2, kita nampak macam smooth aje...tapi in the end, terjadi sesuatu di luar jangkaan.
Masa tu la kita rasa nak putus asa. Kita rasa yang kita ni takde kuasa nak control semua tu. Baru la kita sedar yang langit tu tinggi atau rendah. Baru lah kita nak sedar yang ada LEBIH berkuasa.
Sebab tu kita selalu di ingatkan supaya berhati2.
Kita juga di ingatkan agar jangan buat orang, kalau tanak orang buat kita.
Sebab tu memang fitrah kehidupan. Benda baik di balas baik. Begitulah sebaliknya. Kalau nak orang buat baik dgn kita, buatlah baik dgn orang. Kebaikan atau kejahatan mesti bermula dengan diri kita dulu.
Kenapa begitu ye?
Kerana ALLAH itu Maha Adil.
Tapi kadang kalau kita buat baik, orang tak balas baik pun.... Kadang2 Fadiah pun rasa macam nak give up tapi tetap teruskan bila nak buat kebaikan ni...tapi, Fadiah teringat...
Disini lah sebenarnya ALLAH nak uji kita. DIA nak tengok kita ni buat baik kerana apa.
Kerana nak balasan ke?
Atau kerana DIA?
So....siapa kata senang nak buat baik?
Tapi, jangan sampai tanak buat baik pula ye =)
Selamat ber'amal ;)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Practice what you've preached, Fadiah. Practice what you preached...
It is undeniable that it is MORE easier to preach than to practice. However, Islam is the other way round. Its emphasized more on the practical aspect, rather than the theoretical part. But, it does NOT mean that the theoretical part is not important. Don't get me wrong k...
Ok...after nearly a month, I worked in this new place, I started to realize that I need to change. Really. A change.
I have been wronged. And sometimes keep on doing the wrong things. As if, there is no ending to it. And keep on giving the same excuse: "I am just a normal human. Human make mistakes."
But somehow, when the same reason is given over and over again, does it still forgivable?
To human, some may NOT. but to ALLAH, HE is the MOST Merciful.
Earlier today, I got an observation about how I conducted my classroom. It is really challenging coz it is my first time. For these whole years of teaching, NO ONE have NEVER ever observed me.
And Alhamdulillah, the observation went well, though the class is a bit hectic. I need to learn on classroom management. REally.
Despite that, I really had fun during teaching today, for both KBM1 classes.
owh, before that, just a brief info: I have to teach 6 classes for this year, which are:
KBPS2 - KBK1 - KBK4 - KBK6 - 2 classes of KBM1. (The KB stands for Kelas Bimbingan)
At first, I tot it was a lot & afraid that I couldnt make it. But then I tell myself, why dont give it a try. There will be no harm in trying, rite?
Ok, back to the teaching part. I taught about the topic: IMAN. I tell them about the basic tenets of faith, its link with Islam, the importance of faith etc. I added in some stories that are related to faith...
And I also mentioned some part about parents. And during this part, I can see that their eyes started to fill with tears...Bila Fadiah dah perasan mcm gini je, cepat2 tukar topic. hehehe. Tanak la class yg best2 bertukar jadi class sedih...
So, after all the teaching was done, I did some self-evaluation on myself. Then, like a big heavy rock, it hits me. Really hard.
I realized that I have been doing more preaching, rather than practice. I advised my students to be a good muslim, but I did not strive my best to show good examples. I even think that being a good muslim is boring. To be good is not boring, but to be typical is boring. heeeeeee~
Thus, at this very moment, YOU, as my readers, would be the witness to know that I am going to do some amendments on MYSELF.
So just wait & see. Doakan saya ye. Jazakumullah kheir.
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Im kinda happy rite now, therefore I blog. hehehe
Ok, here are some updates on my lurvely Life:
My new Career: As an Ustazah. Ok, this is a bit awkward. Bcoz jadi ustazah. Luckily most of my students called me 'Cikgu' rather than ustazah. hehe. Bukan tak suke, tapi lebih suke Cikgu ar....
One thing that I lurves the most about this job is the TIME. The duration of my werking time is not the usual one, like everyone else...& I heart it sooooo much!
Here is my new timing:
Mon & Wed: 11 am - 6 pm.
Tues: OFF DAY.
Thurs: 12 pm-5 pm.
Fri: 2.15 pm - 9.30 pm.
Sat: 9 am - 4.45 pm.
Sun: 7.45 am - 3.30 pm.
Can u see? My werking time is not like everyone else & the best part is that: I get to escape the PEAK HOURS!!!! Weeeee~ ALhamdulillah.....But somehow, there are NO MORE weekends for me. My NEW definition for weekend is: BUSY-never-end. HAHAHAHA....
But there is one thing about this new werk, which I find that it is a bit hard to swallow, is that the ENVIRONMENT. It is a really SOLEHAH environment. And when I said 'really', it means REALLY REALLY SUPER DUPER solehah. Ok, mayb Fadiah belum kenal dorg sgt. Sebab manusia kan, mesti ada kelemahan.... but then, dorg semua baik2, subhanallah laaaa.... Kawan2 SEBIJIK macam zaman maahad dulu...
And this is really CONTRADICTing with my previous environment.
And.... I find really hard to adapt with it. But somehow, I will TRY. Whatever it is; Just BE YOURSELF & you will be FINE. InsyaAllah~
"O Allah, please strengthen me with YOUR super-duper-mighty power" ;)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Note
Kalau takde pape nak cakap, lebih baik diam k.
Tamo cakap pasal org, Fadiah. Allah tak suke. Kalau nak Allah suke, banyakkan zikir & buat kebaikan. Fadiah kan kata yang Fadiah nak cari keredhaan Allah...
So stay strong aite...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I am hopeless when it comes to fashion.
"If tomorrow never comes ..."
Don't you realize that there is always 'IF' in front of every sentences that are CERTAIN?
Now I realize it & times are running out. But thank u, LORD for making me realize the important things in life.
I have really learnt my mistakes & I have start my savings. And 3 months from now, I aim to save more than 3K. InsyaAllah. Do pray for me ya....really need ur duaa =)
And for all these time, I have been talking about marriage... I realize that I know NOTHING about it. All I know that I wanna get married, without knowing the REAL intention of doing it. I really need to learn a looot...!
Ive read this article about marriage & understand that it is not an easy journey. It is a journey which come with so many responsibilities. Therefore, I must get prepare & teach myself things that can please my future husband.
A slice from the article:
A marriage is based on:
Knowledge not looks,
Practice not preaching,
Forgiveness not anger,
Spiritual love not lust and compromise!
One should look for a person who
(1) Has love for Allah (SWT) and his Messenger
(2) Has knowledge of the deen (religion), and can act upon it
(3) can control his/her anger and another important and crucial factor that he/she be
(4) willing to compromise.
ALhamdulillah...After read it, I realize that life is short, therefore I wanna do the BEST that I can. I want to RENEW my relationship with my CReator... I really really do. It has been so long that I ignored HIM, I forget about HIM. How ignorant I am! I am so ashamed of myself as sumtimes it would really bring me down. However, Thanks to HIM again, for saving me, for showing me the way & for guiding me all these time...
Therefore, I will not let go of this chance. I wanna grab it & hold on to it tightly.
"If you Love ALLAH & do for HIS sake, everything will be fine." Kheir InsyaAllah.
Please spare a duaa for me. Jazakumullah kheir =)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

For these few days, I have been collecting smiles from strangers. Sounds weird, rite? Hahaha. But that is the truth. I will go out everyday, then start to count for every smile that I received from strangers.
And for these 2 days, I had received about 20 smiles - mostly are from woman & makchix2 & about 2 like that are from guys (part ni terkejut ckit la...lelaki mana la nak senyum kat aku ni..huhu).
Owh FYI, I dont smile at guys but I can talk to strangers. And I dont smile every minute, but I do smile every MORNING, right after I woke up from my sleep.
There are a lot of benefits that we can get from smiling...And most of all, our Prophet has already encourage us to smile to our brothers & sisters as a charity. It has been mentioned in one of the Hadeeth:
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises.” He was then asked: “From what do we give charity every day?” The Prophet answered: “The doors of goodness are many…enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one’s legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help, and supporting the feeble with the strength of one’s arms–all of these are charity prescribed for you.” He also said: “Your smile for your brother is charity.” - Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 98
And some of the benefits are (thanks to about.com ):
1. Smiling Makes us Attractive
2. Smiling Changes our Mood
3. Smiling is contagious
4. Smiling Relieves Stress
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System.
(You can refer to the site for more benefits)
Soooo... what are u waiting for? (Plez insert colby & mizz nina song)
Put on a smile & it's FREE!!! =)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Bila Bersendirian
Bila bersendirian
Jangan rasa kesepian
Walau tanpa teman
Kita tetap diperhatikan
Dalam gelap atau terang
Ada mata yang sentiasa jaga
Melihat perlakuan dan rasa
Mencatat dosa atau pahala
Bila bersendirian
Jangan katakan 'aku sunyi'
Sebaliknya selalu bisikkan di dalam hati
Pada diriku sentiasa
Ada Pemerhati
Bila bersendirian
Teruji keikhlasan
Tanpa kejian atau pujian
Apakah terus ada kesetiaan
Berfikir dan berzikir
Dengan tulus kesunyian...
Petikan dari buku 'Siapa DIA di hatiku'
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Ye, Fadiah rindu W.
Dia senyap je. Fadiah rindu nak bebual2 dgn dia mcm dulu. Rindu nak share2 story. The last time Fadiah msg dgn dia masa Fadiah minta tolong dia.
Dia baik sgt2. MasyaAllah.
Fadiah nak dia hepi & tenang selalu. "Ya Allah, jaga dia baik2 ye. Kurniakan dia seorang isteri yang baik ye. Coz he deserve it."
Fadiah rindu awak, W...
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Ting Tong
That is the sound effect in my head rite now.
Got this HUGE problem & all bcoz of ME.
I know that I have been a very very bad girl. Dun wanna hear advice from my parents, always rebel, always do watever I like, always said things without thinking, always act emotionally etc...
and last nite, suddenly kakak said to me: "Diah, ibu nak pinjam duit ko dlm 1K +..."
I answered: "Diah mana ada duit banyak gitu.."
She said: "Abeh duit yang banyak2 dulu mana? Duit sepanjang ko keja dulu mana?"
I did not answer. And suddenly I realized *dum dum dum* (bunyi batu banyak2 jatoh, hempap kepala).... I have been spending soooo much & yet, I couldnt trace back where it has gone.
Luckily, I realized it NOW. And Alhamdulillah, I have wonderful friends such as the 2 Khadijaaats & W, helping me out.... THANK YOU A LOT. MAy Allah bless your kindness.
Kak Dijah is the one who will always hyped in helping me. Dia siap called & taught me on how to organize my saving efficiently. and always keep asking me if I am ok or not. Cute la ko, kak.
ALLAH tu kan MAHA PENYAYANG. When HE gives you trial, it is always mean to make you STRONGER than before.
Kadang2 best pulak bila ada ujian mcm ni sebab bagi Fadiah sedar yang langit tu tinggi atau rendah. Kalau tak nanti, lupa diri, lupa Tuhan... Untuk yang sesapa yang Fadiah ada hutang, Fadiah akan bayar semula jika ada rezeki ye.... Bayar MESTI bayar, cuma antara cepat atau lambat k... Fadiah tak suka nyusahkan org, but sometimes we are left with NO choice. Maaf sangat2 sbb terpaksa nyusahkan awak semua...
Fadiah doakan yang terbaik & Fadiah sayang semua, ok?
Saling doa-mendoakan ye...
2 cents
Had this heart-to-heart talk with my sister this morning.
She shared with me some of her experiences & adviced me on some of my attitude, which has to be changed.
Kakak said: "Dalam hidup ni kena banyak berkorban, Diah. Kita bukan hidup sorg. Ada orang2 di sekeliling kita yg hidup dgn kita. Sebab tu, sebelum buat apa2, pikir betol2. Ingat Allah, ingat ayah ibu. Diah kan bukan budak2 lagi. Dah dewasa."
I just smiled and nodded my head.
She continued: "Kakak bukan suruh Diah jadi macam kakak. Tapi sekurang2nya jadi lah diri Diah sendiri. Jangan ikot kawan. Jadi spt ikan, walaupun idop dalam air laut, tapi isi nya tetap tidak masin."
"Kadang2 kakak tengok Diah ni idop mcm dunia Diah sendiri. Cubalah open ckit. Kita idop berkeluarga, kena lah share2. Sekarang ni Diah blm kawen...nanti kalau dah kawen, kena banyak belajar. Bukan senang tau. Takkan la nak belajar bila dah kawen nanti. Kena la mula belajar dari sekarang. Jangan nak enjoy aje. Kita idop ni bukan selama2nya. sebab tu kena gunakan waktu yang diberikan sebaik2nya."
I cried. The tears cant be seen. Coz it is kept close inside my heart.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bad Boys
Yummy! Hahaha
I just have this tendency to fall for bad boys....
They have something which will always make me like them...
Though they appear 'bad' & people might say that they are bad, but for me, I will try to UNDERSTAND them first, rather that believing in what others said.
ok la, nak continue tgk Lagenda Budak Setan. Fadiah tahu citer ni dah basi. huhu
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bulls Eye!!!
Hijau Kaler Feveret Rasulullah S.A.W =)
Ada orang kata "If you fail to plan, then you will plan to fail"
Ada jugak orang kata "Buat apa lah nak plan2 ni...buat aje laaaa..."
Dan ada jugak orang kata "Plan je. Kalau jadi, jadi la. Kalau tak, sudah. Tapi yang penting, tamo bilang orang sangat. Takot tak jadi. Nanti malu..."
Tapi sekarang ni, Fadiah pulak kata "Nak plan jugak. Kalau jadi, Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak, kita cuba cara lain pulak!"
+NAk tambah dan mantapkan IMAN di hati. Kalau dulu, Fadiah selalu rasa, jadi solehah tu boring, tapi sekarang ni kita tanak jadi solehah, tapi nak jadi seorang hamba yang BAIK, taat & patuh kepada Tuannya. so whatever yang tak mendapat keredhaan Tuhan, agak2 mesti kita kurang suke la kan...Nak cuba tanamkan dalam diri rasa mcm gini. Sebab sekarang nak kejar keredhaan Tuhan, so pelan2 & sikit2 kena berubah. Biar lambat, asal selamat. Macam dalam citer si Kura-kura & si Arnab. Wlaupun Kura-kura lambat, akhirnya dia menang jugak. Alhamdulillah~
+Nak Nikah. Nak jadi seorang Isteri & Ibu yang penyayang. Actually benda ni tak berapa baru sgt. Kira ni listed as 'renew' la.... So kalau dah jumpa orang yang sesuai, yang sayang kita, yang sudi terima kita seadanya, maka kpak-bing-bing la tak lama lagi...heeeeeeeeeee~
Kalau tak, kita bring forward lagi to another year. Tapi kalau masanya sudah tiba, insyaAllah (please insert Maher Zain's InsyaAllah song) Sementara masih berusaha ni, kita tengah ikot course Introduction to Marriage Life. Lecturer dia: Ibu & Kakak kita. So far, yang dah belajar ni ialah cara2 nak handle baby....tukarkan pampers, mandikan dia, bagi dia makan, cara breastfeed dia & macam2 la... Pastu ada jugak cara2 nak buat keja rumah...mcm masak, cuci baju, kemas rumah....Tapi kita nak kena practice dalam susun2 barang, sbb kita ni unorganize sikit.. I am the Little Miss Messy. Heeeee~ So skrg ni tgh belajar untuk jadi lebih kemas & teratur =)
+Nak kurangkan lemak di badan. Nak amalkan gaya hidup sihat. As a Muslim, we should really take care of our well being. We should be aware of what we eat and consume. Bcoz from what we eat, will determine what we will become. So, mulai dari saat ini, tanak main makan sembarang je. Kalau dulu, masa pegi grocery shopping, main amek aje walaupun takde tanda halal. HEhehe.. Tapi skrg ni, nak kurangkan.
Pastu kita dah start alek jogging routine. Baru aje tadi pagi kita buat opening ceremony dia. Naseb baik ada Miss Yunita yg sudi jadi personal trainer kita. HEeeee~ Thank YOU!!!
+Nak refresh, revise & relearn. ok...GO!!!
+Nak save duit banyak2!!! Bukan sebab nak shopping. But i've learnt my previous lesson. Duit banyak2 jadi sikit sebab asek shopping je. So naseb baik skrg ni, my self-control dah reloaded. Kalau tak, pantang nampak benda2 cute sikit, nanti mesti nak beli. Lagipun, kalau banyak duit, nanti boleh bantu orang yang susah. & hopefully kita tidak diuji dengan kesenangan. Macam ada kata2: Lebih baik kita diuji dengan kesusahan dari diuji dengan kesenangan. Sebab bila kita susah, selalunya kita akan sedar. Tapi kalau senang, kita mudah lupa diri. Wallahu'alam.
Ingat ye...Insan yang cemerlang, datangnya dari akal, dengan jiwa yang tenang & hati yang mantap. Selamat beramal =)
And every single thing you ever did that bothered me, is every single thing I miss about you. Ya Allah, jaga dia baik2 ye.
Monday, January 3, 2011
...and yeah, I hurt him again.
Me and my stupid mouth. and not-think-before action.
All these happened bcoz I met him @ a wedding. Then I talked to him, he did replied. Just a short conversation. Then I saw him talking to his friends, very the shiok one. Not a really short conversation. I wish that 'they' were me. I wanna him to talk to me normally. I really really want to have that happy, funny, hilarious + sometimes serious conversation with him.
But I just do not know how to tell him that. Coz we could talk like almost anything in the SMS, but when in came face-to-face, we are speechless. or just a short conversation.
I do not know why. but whatever it is, there is always a reason or some sort of 'hikmah' behind everything that happened.
Behind every mysteries in this world, there lies ALLAH's power.
Kalau dia maafkan aku kali ni, aku agak dia ni mesti bukan manusia. Aku tabik spring betol ar...heeeee~
Shooting Bullets
Yeah it hurts. A lot. Really. An indescribable pain.
Last saturday, while waiting for my bro to check in for his flight @ the airport, my family members (+ my aunty) suddenly asked me about my job-searching-project. I told them that I just received a job offer as an Ustazah @ Cordova. I told them about the job info, with a happy tone in my voice.
But then, my sister said: "Ko amek pscyhology, and end up jadi ustazah? At the first place, kenapa amek psychology?"
Then I said: "Coz Im interested in human. I want to learn about human."
Then my aunty said: "Apply la keje as social worker ke..."
I answered: "Tapi Diah suka ngajar. I dun wanna b a counsellor."
My ibu said: "Apply la NIE. Jadi teacher @ government skool."
I replied: "But I dont like the system. Lagipun ngajar kat skola stress. I know that every job have their own level of stress. Tapi I dun wanna work in government skool."
My aunty asked: "Then how much do they pay you?"
I asnwered: "Hmmm around SGD..... Tak banyak sgt, tapi ok la..."
My aunty said: "They asked you to work for 6 days & paid you like that?! You have a degree tau. Dont underestimate your capabilities. You can get around SGD1800+ if you work at the NON muslim company. "
I anwered: "Ok, I'll try la."
That is how I ended the conversation. My mind is too weak to handle all those bullets. and I did not prepare for it. bcoz I am too happy to get a job. After all those emails of resume, the stupid interviews, I finally get hired. Alhamdulillah.
But now, the happiness has been covered with bullet holes that was shoot to me through peoples' mouth. I do not blame them as they always have the right to express their opinion.
What I do not understand is that why they COULD NOT even be happy with MY DECISION?
Do they think that I did not understand what life is all about?
Do they really know what I want?
Do they think that they know what is the best for me?
I know that they want the best for me and do not want me to suffer. But I want to try. So if I fall, at least I HAVE ALREADY try.
And I also know that all those 'bullets' are just opinions. After all, it is MY LIFE. I am the one who take the step and make the decision. Therefore, I will be responsible for now on. InsyaAllah.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I have this typical mindset of 'takpelaaaa'
Apa orang nak buat kat kita, takpelaaaa... yang penting, kita tak buat org. MAybe saya tak betol. Saya kena betolkan diri saya.
ok bye!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Thank u, Allah
After all these years passed, I am still alive & blessed with so many wonderful people around me. Thank you, Allah... for all the blessings and guidance.
This post is especially dedicated to those who are close and dearest to me.
*My Family - Sometimes I may not know how to express the feeling that I felt. But you guys are my inspiration. Ayah & ibu has been kind and patient with all my nonsense and weird behavior. They have been giving me all kind of advices and tolerate with my rudeness. Sometimes I feel that I am not really a good daughter. but I am TRYING to be one. InsyaAllah.
Kakak is always the one who taught me and shared with me stories, excellent tips and ideas. I have learnt a lot from her without she realizing it. I learnt how to be more patient, calm and strict at the same time.
My little BIG brother. Though we might talk all the time (coz sometimes we are too busy with our own life), but he is always there in my heart. I love him that I want him to grow and learn how to be responsible and good young man. and now, yes... he has grown sooo much. SOmetimes I admired his courage to work as much as he can. Hope all best for you, young man!
*My 3 awesome Girlfrens: The 2 Khadijah(s) and Noneng - We have been friend since the Maahad era. heeee~ And we have gone thru many things together. After the maahad era, we thought that we are going our own ways, but we stick together though we are far apart. Yes, distance has always been a problem for us. Unfortunately, it is NOT a barrier which keep us apart. Sorry distance, I might say that YOU LOSE. Coz our heart are not connected thru distance, but it is connected thru duaa. Like kak Dijah always said: "Kita kan kawan...so mestilah kena saling doa-mendoakan..." =) You girls has been with me thru all my life. Thank you for all the advices and courage that you have shared with me.
*My 3 great superGirls: Bluefairy, Yunita & Fa - I know them during my IIUM era. They are very very nice and will always be there for me. I can share almost anything with them. And they also very the giler-giler, just like me.
*W - He is the one and only my-other-gender-friend. And he has been stick with me for like 4 years together and still counting....insyaAllah. He has been tolerating with my nonsense and emo2 feeling and can also be a great friend to share ideas and thoughts. We do quarrel, then go silent for like a period of time, then I will go back to him again. coz I like him the way he likes me & love him the just the way he loves me too =) I would always want the best for him and whatever that make him happy. If by giving the world would make him happy, then I will give it. (falsampah nah aku ni) Hahahaha
*Ayoosh - She is my 2nd cousin a.k.a my partner in crime. We went thru skool together, then get closer during our tertiary period. She has always been listening to my rants and we will be each other 'back-up' system. hehehe.
There are also many others who has touch my life and help me grow as who I am rite now. When you starts to count your blessings, you will not be able to stop counting it coz it is endless. Therefore, always Count your blessings when you are in difficult times so you know that blessings are much more that hardship.
I am the type of person who do not know how to express my feeling thru talking, therefore I write & act. But some might not understand and they will get the wrong idea. But I dont blame them. After all, we are humans. And we make mistakes. Life is a journey of discovery & learning. Therefore, I am learning to understand you and the other way round. LOVE, RESPECT & TRUST. Those are my principles in every relationship that I have.
Saling doa-mendoakan ye =)
"Ya Allah, aku sayang mereka semua. Lindungilah mereka & sayangilah mereka sepertimana mereka menyayangiku. Limpahkanlah rahmat & kasih sayang Mu ke atas ikatan ini supaya ianya sentiasa mekar & subur. Bimbinglah kami sekiranya kami tersesat & jadikanlah kami di kalangan hamba2Mu yang bersyukur. aku ingin bertemu di syurgaMu nanti. Allahumma Ameen."
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