Sunday, January 23, 2011


Practice what you've preached, Fadiah. Practice what you preached...

It is undeniable that it is MORE easier to preach than to practice. However, Islam is the other way round. Its emphasized more on the practical aspect, rather than the theoretical part. But, it does NOT mean that the theoretical part is not important. Don't get me wrong k...

Ok...after nearly a month, I worked in this new place, I started to realize that I need to change. Really. A change.

I have been wronged. And sometimes keep on doing the wrong things. As if, there is no ending to it. And keep on giving the same excuse: "I am just a normal human. Human make mistakes."
But somehow, when the same reason is given over and over again, does it still forgivable?

To human, some may NOT. but to ALLAH, HE is the MOST Merciful.

Earlier today, I got an observation about how I conducted my classroom. It is really challenging coz it is my first time. For these whole years of teaching, NO ONE have NEVER ever observed me.

And Alhamdulillah, the observation went well, though the class is a bit hectic. I need to learn on classroom management. REally.

Despite that, I really had fun during teaching today, for both KBM1 classes.

owh, before that, just a brief info: I have to teach 6 classes for this year, which are:

KBPS2 - KBK1 - KBK4 - KBK6 - 2 classes of KBM1. (The KB stands for Kelas Bimbingan)

At first, I tot it was a lot & afraid that I couldnt make it. But then I tell myself, why dont give it a try. There will be no harm in trying, rite?

Ok, back to the teaching part. I taught about the topic: IMAN. I tell them about the basic tenets of faith, its link with Islam, the importance of faith etc. I added in some stories that are related to faith...

And I also mentioned some part about parents. And during this part, I can see that their eyes started to fill with tears...Bila Fadiah dah perasan mcm gini je, cepat2 tukar topic. hehehe. Tanak la class yg best2 bertukar jadi class sedih...

So, after all the teaching was done, I did some self-evaluation on myself. Then, like a big heavy rock, it hits me. Really hard.

I realized that I have been doing more preaching, rather than practice. I advised my students to be a good muslim, but I did not strive my best to show good examples. I even think that being a good muslim is boring. To be good is not boring, but to be typical is boring. heeeeeee~

Thus, at this very moment, YOU, as my readers, would be the witness to know that I am going to do some amendments on MYSELF.

So just wait & see. Doakan saya ye. Jazakumullah kheir.

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