Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thank u, Allah

After all these years passed, I am still alive & blessed with so many wonderful people around me. Thank you, Allah... for all the blessings and guidance.

This post is especially dedicated to those who are close and dearest to me.

*My Family - Sometimes I may not know how to express the feeling that I felt. But you guys are my inspiration. Ayah & ibu has been kind and patient with all my nonsense and weird behavior. They have been giving me all kind of advices and tolerate with my rudeness. Sometimes I feel that I am not really a good daughter. but I am TRYING to be one. InsyaAllah.
Kakak is always the one who taught me and shared with me stories, excellent tips and ideas. I have learnt a lot from her without she realizing it. I learnt how to be more patient, calm and strict at the same time.
My little BIG brother. Though we might talk all the time (coz sometimes we are too busy with our own life), but he is always there in my heart. I love him that I want him to grow and learn how to be responsible and good young man. and now, yes... he has grown sooo much. SOmetimes I admired his courage to work as much as he can. Hope all best for you, young man!

*My 3 awesome Girlfrens: The 2 Khadijah(s) and Noneng - We have been friend since the Maahad era. heeee~ And we have gone thru many things together. After the maahad era, we thought that we are going our own ways, but we stick together though we are far apart. Yes, distance has always been a problem for us. Unfortunately, it is NOT a barrier which keep us apart. Sorry distance, I might say that YOU LOSE. Coz our heart are not connected thru distance, but it is connected thru duaa. Like kak Dijah always said: "Kita kan mestilah kena saling doa-mendoakan..." =) You girls has been with me thru all my life. Thank you for all the advices and courage that you have shared with me.

*My 3 great superGirls: Bluefairy, Yunita & Fa - I know them during my IIUM era. They are very very nice and will always be there for me. I can share almost anything with them. And they also very the giler-giler, just like me.

*W - He is the one and only my-other-gender-friend. And he has been stick with me for like 4 years together and still counting....insyaAllah. He has been tolerating with my nonsense and emo2 feeling and can also be a great friend to share ideas and thoughts. We do quarrel, then go silent for like a period of time, then I will go back to him again. coz I like him the way he likes me & love him the just the way he loves me too =) I would always want the best for him and whatever that make him happy. If by giving the world would make him happy, then I will give it. (falsampah nah aku ni) Hahahaha

*Ayoosh - She is my 2nd cousin a.k.a my partner in crime. We went thru skool together, then get closer during our tertiary period. She has always been listening to my rants and we will be each other 'back-up' system. hehehe.

There are also many others who has touch my life and help me grow as who I am rite now. When you starts to count your blessings, you will not be able to stop counting it coz it is endless. Therefore, always Count your blessings when you are in difficult times so you know that blessings are much more that hardship.

I am the type of person who do not know how to express my feeling thru talking, therefore I write & act. But some might not understand and they will get the wrong idea. But I dont blame them. After all, we are humans. And we make mistakes. Life is a journey of discovery & learning. Therefore, I am learning to understand you and the other way round. LOVE, RESPECT & TRUST. Those are my principles in every relationship that I have.

Saling doa-mendoakan ye =)

"Ya Allah, aku sayang mereka semua. Lindungilah mereka & sayangilah mereka sepertimana mereka menyayangiku. Limpahkanlah rahmat & kasih sayang Mu ke atas ikatan ini supaya ianya sentiasa mekar & subur. Bimbinglah kami sekiranya kami tersesat & jadikanlah kami di kalangan hamba2Mu yang bersyukur. aku ingin bertemu di syurgaMu nanti. Allahumma Ameen."

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