Friday, July 31, 2009

Looking for Love

Indeed, Life is full of surprises and unexpected things.

Now, I'm in my room...aLone... All my roomies have their own work and lucky me coz the internet connection is gOOd! weeee~

What did I do today?

Well....I done my FIRST group presentation for this semester. Alhamdulillah...and all went well. I was soooo relieved. And it is the first time in my life that I received praises for my presentation. All was prepared at the last minute though. And lucky us, because the lecturer is a nice guy and the topic is easy to understand. We did some interaction with the students by giving them some task - which is a role play - and it was done pretty well =) I was surprised with the cooperation that was given.

After class, I went back to do some laundry. Then received sms from Nuya, asked me to accompany her to OTK. To fulfill my boredom, I decided to accompany her. She bought the sticker 'P' for the license. Then we went to KFC to fill in our empty stomach. While eating, suddenly Nuya said "Eh, tu your kakak kan?" I looked and said "Yup...Jom jumpa dia..."
Luckily we had finished our meal. We went to meet with my sister, who with her second son. About a minute later, her husband and her first son came. We were like talking and exchanging stories. It was lucky and grateful to get the chance to meet her. This is because, ever since she worked, it was very hard to get her. I know that I could give her a call, but sometimes I'd rather sms her instead. I did not want to disturb her. really.

Then we went back. And in the bus, I sat beside a lady who talked with herself. It was scary, man! I recited all the prayers inside my heart and prayed for her to go down as soon as possible. While I was saying prayers in my heart, suddenly she touched me and asked "Beli apa tu?" I smiled ( + control my fear) and answered " Roti je..." It was like........reeeeally scary...huhu
For like a couple of hours like that, she asked me. What was she thinking before that? Hmmmm...

We reached the hostel around 7pm. Then decided to go to Jannah's room, to surprise her. When we arrived, she was not in her room. We used the opportunity to hide and the moment she came into her room, she was soooooo surprised to see us! Hehehe....

Ok...that's all for what happened for today. and right now, I got new mission in life: To Look for my other half. hehe...

And this time, it is FOR REAL. No more bluffing. No more jokes. No more beating around the bush.

Oh yeah, I just remembered. Last wednesday, I had a wonderful time with W.

The moment I met him, he said: "Fadiah, hari ni aku optimistic. Aku rasa aku akan jumpa jodoh aku hari ni." HAHAHA...I was amazed with his jokes. (I just had this feeling that it was a joke, although he do sounds serious). I had to use my lappy that time, so I find a table which has the plug connection near it.

Then he said "AKu rasa jodoh aku akan duduk kat tempat tu..." and he pointed an empty seat, in front of him, but on the table in front of us.

I smiled and said "Ok...kalau gitu, kita main game nak? Kalau budak yang duduk kat tempat tu, ko kenal, ko kena rapat dengan dia...Tapi kalau ko tak kenal, ko kena minta no h/p dia....ok?"

He replied "Ok...." with hesitation though. Hahaha. Then we wait and wait. Suddenly, there is this girl, wearing blouse and trousers, with haversack and glasses, came. She stood beside the empty chair, talking to her friend.

We waited and expected her to sit there. "Kalau dia duduk, habis la W..." I said that in my heart. Hehehe.... And lucky him coz she did not sit there.

About several minutes later, came a girl, wearing pink baju kurung and black scarf. She took her bag, which sat on the empty seat, then she sat down. I and W looked at one another. and immediately I said to him: "Ok gotta ask her phone number..."

W looked at me and said "Alah fadiah....Tak nak la.... Dia mesti dah ade boyfriend nye..."

I was like "WTF ar ko ni! Mana boleh sey....tadi kan dah janji...Lagipun ko yang kata jodoh ko duduk pat situ..."

He replied "Hehehe...ok lah. Kalau gitu, dia jadi JTJ aku..."

I asked (looking confusing) "JTJ?"

He said "Jodoh Tak JAdi....!" and he laughed...I also laughed and we laughed so hard till tears came out from my eyes!

There were also a part where I found out that he got feelings for me. Hehehe. It goes like this:

He asked me to check his email for him. He gave his password, which is the name of the girl who he had relationship once. Then he told me that he will always use their name as his password. He said to himself "Nama ko ada tak eh?" while thinking....

I overheard him and immediately asked him "Ko penah suka aku ke?"

He blushed and tried to cover himself "Mana ada sey..." He changed the topic to something else.
He treated me during lunch time. We shared stories, jokes, opinions etc. It was like the best day ever with him. What a day! Thank you, W ;)

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