Monday, May 4, 2009


In life, there will be time for you to make decisions. Be it an important one or not, decisions will always be things that will affect your life.

The same goes with me. There are a looooooot decisions that I have to make such as to continue my studies, having relationship with someone etc.

Recently, I made a decision to meet with someone who i rarely know... We went out and he brought me around kL...i went back around 4 am...and yes, I admit that I am crazy. But trusting someone who rarely know, is it wrong?

I'm not sure of my true feelings towards him. The only thing that I know that I trust him as long as he is sincere with me...I did not force him to contact me or become close to me. If he want to, then it is my pleasure. But if he want to stop, then it is my pleasure to stop. I am not the one who will do something that someone else did not want to....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to make decisions no matter what matters.

I understand you and i feel you.

If he is sincere, go on..
If he is care about you, go on..
If he like you, go on..
If he seldom contact you, that's not the reason you need to back off..

Sometimes we need to forward first and hopefully the next time it'll be the other way round.

What goes around, comes around.

Good luck :)