Wednesday, December 16, 2009



"Mistakes are proof that we are trying..."

"Do not called it mistake but called it an experience..."

There are sooooo many things that people do just to make others feel good about themselves after they have done something which is wrong....

Just like myself.

After we did something that is wrong, we will always said this to ourselves:

Never mind. It is just a mistake. Everybody make mistakes. Try not to repeat it again.

But somehow, we will repeat it sooner or later. UNLESS we are truly regret it and promise to ourselves (which is a REAL promise) not to repeat it eventhough we will have to die by not doing it.

I have done sooooooooooo many mistakes throughout the 25 years of my life...

And there are some mistakes which I really really really regret it, and there are some which I enjoyed not really regret, but I have my OWN reason of doing it...

Do I sounds evil?

I hope not, coz I am not evil. I am just being myself.

And again, there are some mistakes which I did it on purpose just for the sake of learning....

I do not actually bother what others wanna say, coz whatever it is, all are depends on ME.

I am the one who can really decide whether I want to be good or bad, innocent or daredevil, liar or sincere etc.

Others may have the power to influence me. but I have the right to decide.

And yes, later in the hereafter, when I will be asked on my past actions during my life... I am the one who will answer it.

Coz I do not want to blame others. After all, I am responsible for everything that happened it my life.

And YOU, just sit back and enjoy the ShoW. Thank You =)

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